Monday, October 22, 2012


In order to be enrolled at my school, Savannah Arts Academy, you had to audition with a certain arts major. I have always had a passion for visual arts, but when the time came for auditions last year I took the easy way out and auditioned for theater. In all honesty, I purely lacked the needed motivation for preparing for a visual arts audition. Ever since the first day of being a theater major I regretted my decision. However, all hope is not lost. All students are given the chance to change their major by re-auditioning in February. Although its a huge commitment and will take hours of work, this is what I plan to do.

I've been looking all over for needed inspiration; on various websites (Pinterest of course), at school, and at art exhibits. Yesterday my mom brought me to a local exhibit. The artwork was set up in several themed rooms, including a room for birth, adulthood, decomposition, and death. It was wonderful.

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